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Vintage Bernese Photo


         Our dream of owning a Bernese Mountain Dog began shortly after we got married. However, at the time we were living in Hawaii and trying to find a Bernese in Hawaii was absolutely impossible!!! Instead, we decided the moment we moved back to the mainland our goal was to get one of these beautiful puppies! My husband grew up raising Golden Retrievers all through high school and we knew that raising puppies for other families to love and enjoy was something that we desired to do together one day. I won't lie we had many debates on whether or not our dog should be a Golden Retriever or a Bernese Mountain Dog : ) In the end the Bernese won our hearts!  The more we watched videos of these beautiful dogs, and the more we read about the breed, the more we fell in love with their quirky personalities! After much time spent in researching we discovered an excellent breeder. We were still living in Hawaii at the time but we wanted to go ahead and request to be put on their waiting list. Exactly one year later we were matched with our sweet girl, Maya. 


         However, we soon found out that just one Bernese wasn't going to be enough! After about a year of having Maya we decided it would be a fun adventure to add another Berner to the family. That adventure began when we brought home little, Braxton, the day before Thanksgiving. Isaac and I have absolutely loved having two Berners! It has been so entertaining to watch their individual personalities interact with one another. 


         Please if you have never owned a Bernese Mountain Dog I encourage you to do your research on the breed. I know these dogs are so EXTREMELY cute, but they also require a lot of work. Let me just tell you now... they shed A LOT!!!!!! They also love to have space outside to run out all of their energy. And Oh yes... like all BIG dogs they truly believe that they make the best lap dogs! lol : )


         If you have ANY questions about anything please contact us! We love talking about our dogs and this truly amazing breed. 





      ~ Southern Willow Ranch


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